Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nicole Spence on Freaky Stuff

by Nicole Spence , Your Black World 

Hey guys,
I know I'm late but Let's get busy( in my Aresenio Hall voice! Lol),
I have an interesting Dear Nicole letter read below:
the other night while getting some head from my girl she tried something new and stuck a finger in my azz and i nutted like i never before and it felt really good but i don't want her to think I'm gay or something how do i tell her i really liked that shit damm why did it feel so good? i need to know because if felt so fucking good but i'm no fag is that acceptable? thanks
Wow!! My first reaction is that you're not gay! But Let's be clear if a man that I'm seeing asked me to put a finger in his booty, I would immediately think his ass was gay!!
I mean that's just a hell of a request!
But you didn't ask for it, your girlfriend just tried something new and it turns out you dig it! It's actually kinda cool, that you guys are delving into uncharted territory like that. Sounds freaky but she is teaching you about your body. So that's cool! And I don't think you have to tell her how much you liked it, I'm sure she can tell by your reaction! Shooot if she likes to "Rep her city" as much as I do, she'll be doing that shit again and again for that same explosive reaction! Congrats!!

Click to read.

Dr Boyce on CNN Radio - Love and Money Conversation

Dr Boyce Watkins discusses the rules of Financial Lovemaking on CNN Radio.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dr. Deborah Stroman Makes Quick Remarks on the Pending Sale of Ebony Magazine

Dr. Deborah Stroman, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Business knows one only color – green. Whether one has a history of success or newfound fame, businesses must continue to make a profit. Unfortunately, the announcement recently made by Johnson Publishing Company, Inc. the world's largest African-American-owned and-operated publishing company, reflects the simple fact that long-term financial projections reveal that there is more month left than money. A painful pill to swallow for many in the black community due to the legacy of this family and its mission; however, there are important 21st century business lessons to highlight from this sad prospect. First, know and stay in tune with your audience. The graying demographic that historically supported Ebony can’t be relied upon for financial stability in recessionary times. New money is found in collaborative and results-based (not old school relationship) marketing.  Sadly, time is really, really money in today’s new economy. Second, embrace technology or get left behind. Experts have clearly articulated the dying of print media over the past decade. Those who chose to sleep in and ignore the warnings are now locking the doors and turning in keys. Americans want and deserve information fast and accurate. The Internet provides that medium. And lastly, in times of struggle God always provides an opportunity. The leaders at Johnson Publishing have a tremendous asset in their people. They are creative and passionate about their community and they should be given the chance to provide direction. This moment is not the time for consultants and clairvoyants with crystal balls to steer the way. Truly listen to the heart and soul of the company – the journalists and staff – and make the necessary decisions to be a viable institution for another 63 years.  Hey! No pressure but the Black community, avid readers or not, depends on it.

Dr. Deborah Stroman is a Professor at The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and an expert on Leadership.  To contact Dr. Stroman for speaking engagements or media requests, please click here.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

What if Your Man Goes Limp on the Job?

by Nicole Spence , Your Black World 

So a good friend of mine recently started digging in the crates, and began messing with an old flame!
These 2 dated years ago pretty heavy actually, ish happened and they parted ways. But now he's back! The sex that she remembers was pretty fiery! Although she does recall having to initiate some of their sexual encounters. But it was still pretty Calente!
He's about 8years older than her, so she was looking forward to the whole " daddy" experience. Unfortunately things "down south" haven't been quite the way she remembers, while talking over Patron shots, she asked me if she should give him the ol Heave hoe!
Here's the skinny!

Click to read.

Dr Boyce Watkins Wonders What BET Was Thinking when they referred to Black Women as “Skanks”

by Dr. Boyce Watkins

Your Black World, Syracuse University, AOL Black Voices, 

During the BET Awards, Martin Lawrence and Jamie Foxx did a skit called "Skank Robbers," which you can watch below. Some have argued that the video goes over the top, producing stereotypical images of black women to the point of being offensive. Referring to them as "skanks" was enough to draw the ire of many African Americans, but there was also a point in the video in which the narrator says, "From the producers of 'Planet of the Apes'."

This video leads to the following questions as it pertains to BET:1) Who's making the decisions? I'd love to see what thought process goes into deciding to make R. Kelly your keynote performer right after he is accused of creating child pornography, or having Lil Wayne sing about wanting to have sex with every girl in the world while underage girls are dancing on stage. I don't hate BET, and I've done a great deal of work with them in the past, but I would like very much for them to explain to the public exactly how they operate.


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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nicole Spence: All About Swingers and Sex Clubs

by Nicole Spence

So I was on the way to school talking on the phone with one of my girlfriends. I brought up a previous conversation that I had with my friend Jack. Just recently Jack invited me to go with him to check out this Sex club in Brooklyn. Jack knows damn well that I won’t be partaking in any of the reckless behavior, but we both figured it would be juicy material for me to write about, if I wasn’t such a damn fraidy cat, and I actually had the balls to enter such a place. 
The crazy shit is nasty people are everywhere, as I’m walking and chit chatting to my surprise this clean cut black guy over hears my conversation. As I attempt to cross the street he stops me. Now I’m thinking “ Oh you want my number?” But No! He tells me “ I didn’t mean to over hear your conversation, but I did. My girlfriend and I are looking for a new Sex club, can you tell me the name of the one you were just speaking about?” Get the fuck outta here! You swing? He begins to ask if I’m apart of the “community” I say, "No" followed by a very loud weird laugh. Lol 


Click to read.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tyler Perry, Oprah Having an Affair?


from Your Black Celebrities

A new tell all book has emerged and it’s about Tyler Perry and his many rumored relations with females in the industry including Tyra Banks and Oprah. Pop the hood for the details.

A book entitled Tyler, an acronym for T.he one Y.ou L.east E.xpected R.evealed:  Uncensored Tell All Book about the REAL man behind the make-up and dress, alleges that the Tyler Perry you see isn’t the Tyler Perry you get.  The author is really trying to throw Tyler under the bus and even has audio of him going off about some “undisclosed” female who is feeling him too much saying “the b*tch is crazy.” 

read more click here