Monday, April 26, 2010

Lola Adesioye: Are Black Women Victims of a Bad Dating Situation?


by Lola Adesioye, Huffington Post

Over the past few months, black women and their relationships - or should I say, lack thereof - have been getting a lot of attention. The Washington Posthas done a couple of features on it. Then ABC'sNightline did a show asking why there are so many single black women.

All of a sudden the mainstream media is taking a keen interest in our love lives. We are being told that there is a 'crisis' amongst black women, particularly educated professional women, who are apparently unable to find a 'decent' black man.

Last night, ABC continued once again, with the airing of "Why Can't a Successful Black Woman Find a Man?," a taped discussion featuring Hill Harper, Steve Harvey, The View's Sherri Shepherd and others.

There's no doubt that it's a topic that sparks heated debates and discussions amongst black women and men. It has for years. But is it really that bad? Or is the media - now that it has found a hot topic - exploiting this issue for all that it's worth? I'm an educated black woman and I personally have no problem with meeting eligible, educated, great black men. Whether or not I choose to date them is another thing, but they are out there.

I am somewhat perturbed by the slew of stories on this topic. They are negative, unhelpful and only serve to perpetuate negative ideas about black men and women which often become self-fullfiling. They basically say 'oh, poor black women. They try so hard yet can't find a decent man ... Boo hoo, black women are victims. Ooh, it's all the fault of those pathetic black men. You know, they have no education or are locked up in jail.' Sorry, but I do not subscribe to that view.


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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Syracuse Professor Boyce Watkins speaks on ABC News about Love and Money

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Finance Professor - Syracuse University

As a Finance Professor, I find it incredibly ironic that many people get married without talking about money. They talk about every kind of compatibility from emotional, to spiritual, sexual, and professional, but they seldom take the time necessary to ensure that they can tolerate the idea of sharing their financial life with a person who may not be on the same page. This problem is compounded in black relationships, where many women describe economic hurdles as one of the reasons that black women have trouble finding the right mate.


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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Madam Prezident: I Hate You

Watch Madam Prezident perform her amazing poem, "I Hate You."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lola Adesioye: Was Dorothy Height the Last Significant Black Woman to Have a Voice?

by Lola Adesioye, Huffington Post

Dr. Dorothy Height, the matriarch of the civil rights movement, died today at the age of 98. Dr. Height stood with Dr Martin Luther King during his "I have a dream speech" and worked tirelessly as an activist until her last days.

Her contribution was invaluable in the shaping of black America and American society as a whole. Dr. Height provided an example of ceaseless dedication to a cause greater than oneself, and was a living, breathing demonstration of the formidable power of female leadership, especially for black women.

President Obama referred to Dr. Height as the "godmother" of the movement, going on to say that she "served as the only woman at the highest level of the civil rights movement -- witnessing every march and milestone along the way."

In the 60s, Heights had to overcome gender prejudice in order to do her work. She was cropped out of photos because she was female and she was less well known than her male counterparts. Yet despite the challenges, she recognized the importance of women in black leadership and continued to push for that.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Dr. Boyce on ABC News: Asking the right questions of your partner

What questions should you ask your partner before you marry them?

Dr. Boyce Watkins Talks About Financial Effects of Divorce on ABC

Dr. Boyce Watkins Talks About Financial Effects of Divorce on ABC

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dr. Boyce Watkins on ABC News: Love, Money and Divorce

Watch Dr Boyce Watkins, Finance Professor at Syracuse University on ABC News discussing money and divorce - how to do it the right way.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tiger Woods Get Cussed Out By Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods Get Cussed Out By Tiger Woods

Friday, April 9, 2010

Doing The Tiger-Tiki: Black Athletes Who Cheat

Doing The Tiger-Tiki: Black Athletes Who Cheat